put the past behind 意味

  • 過去{かこ}を葬り去る


  1. i'm willing to put the past behind us so we can move ahead .
  2. so , what do you say we put the past behind us ?
  3. you mother said she's ready to put the past behind her ... and so am i .
    母上は過去は水に流すと言った... 私もだ


        put one's past behind him:    過去{かこ}を捨て去る
        put the issues of the past behind one:    過去{かこ}の問題{もんだい}を水に流す
        leave the issues of the past behind:    過去{かこ}の問題{もんだい}に区切り{くぎり}をつける
        to run past from behind:    to run past from behind 駆け抜ける かけぬける
        i wouldn't put it past:     I wóuldn't pút it pàst O ((略式))〈人〉なら〔…を〕やりかねないと思う〔to do〕.
        put an end to the past:    過去{かこ}と決別{けつべつ}する
        put it past to do:     pùt it pást O to do ((略式))[wouldと共に否定?疑問文で]〈人〉が(悪事などを)できると思う I wouldn't ~ it past him to lie. 彼ならうそをつきかねないと思う.
        would not put it past someone to:    (人)なら~するくらいはやりかねないと思う I would not put it past John to take all of those stray cats home. 私は、ジョンなら迷子になっているすべての猫を家に連れて行くくらいはやりかねないと思う。 I wouldn't put it past you to put me on. 君は僕をだますくらいのことはしかねないからね。
        wouldn't put it past someone to:    (人)なら(to 以下{いか}を)やりかねないと思う I wouldn't put it past her to give you short change. 釣り銭をごまかすぐらい彼女ならやりかねない。
        put behind bars:    《be ~》逮捕される、手が後ろに回る
        put mess behind:    散らかってるものを~の後ろに押し込む
        put muscle behind:    ~に力を注ぐ、力を注いで~を支援{しえん}する
        put someone behind bars:    (人)を投獄する
        put someone behind the count:    《野球》(投手{とうしゅ}である)(人)を追い込む
        put the ball past the opposing goalkeeper:    《サッカー》ボールで相手{あいて}のゴールキーパーをかわす


  1. "put the orange in the blender" 意味
  2. "put the paintings on the block" 意味
  3. "put the pan on the stove" 意味
  4. "put the papers in the shredder" 意味
  5. "put the parts of a watch together" 意味
  6. "put the past out of one's mind" 意味
  7. "put the patient at risk" 意味
  8. "put the patient at risk for death" 意味
  9. "put the pedal to the medal" 意味
  10. "put the papers in the shredder" 意味
  11. "put the parts of a watch together" 意味
  12. "put the past out of one's mind" 意味
  13. "put the patient at risk" 意味

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